On 30 March 2021 I underwent a PCR for Covid with a positive result. The first days of confinement the illness developed normally: tiredness, cough…. But three days later my state of health clearly worsened: severe vomiting, loss of balance and double vision. I went to the emergency room of the Our Lady of Valme Hospital and after a series of tests I returned home with strong medication.
I did not improve and on 6 April I was admitted to Valme. A few days earlier I had been sent by Whatsapp a reproduction of the prayer card for the private devotion of Pedro Ballester. I had followed the itinerary of his painful illness and subsequent death in an atmosphere of true sanctity.
I made a double request to him, that he would intercede for my cure, which at that time was quite problematic; and, if it was not possible, that I would know how to bear the illness as he did. I prayed an emergency novena to him (three prayer cards a day).
At the end of the third one, my medical signs turned a corner and I began to recover. Two days later I was discharged and left the hospital, without doubting Pedrito’s intercession. Recovery is slow but I pray to him every day to bear the after-effects of the Covid with patience.
I would like to record this great favour. I have no objection to it being published, if it is appropriate.
MM (Seville, Spain)
26 April 2021