Get to know Pedro through his friends.
Good morning! I am writing from far away Avellino, Italy, a small town in the region of Naples. A few days ago I came across “by chance” on the internet the life of Pedro Ballester ...
I am thoroughly enjoying Pedro's biography! Thank you again for the audio.
A flying start to a weekend retreat for schoolgirls
En el mes de Noviembre en México se celebra el Día de muertos, un recordatorio de la belleza que tiene la muerte ya que nos lleva a un lugar mejor ....
In Mexico, November is a special month, as we celebrate “el Día de Muertos” (“The Day of the Dead”)
A former resident at Netherhall House, London recalls his memories of Pedro
On 14th November 2023, Blanca, a 15 year old girl from Asturias, Spain, suffered from a serious stroke. Her life was in danger.
I would be grateful if you could send me prayercards of Pedro Ballester in Spanish.
Do you send prayer cards?
From Valrideau Girls Club, Ottawa
I was very moved by the story of his life
is being held on the sub-continent
My spiritual director shared the documentary of Pedro's life with me
The point about being helped by friends .....
And the podcast of the 10 minutes with Jesus in French.
The French 10 minutes with Jesus for today
Homily of the Mass
I vividly recall when this question was first put to me. It was on the tube towards Tooting on our way to Kelston [in Wandsworth] to listen to the then Conservative Party candidate for Parliament speak about his vision...
He spent the week from 18-22 February 2013, in Huelva, south-west Spain, at the Rio Tinto Mining Project run by EMED Tartessus.
Pedro was such a wonderful and loyal friend and beloved brother in faith, and I am thankful to have had Pedro as my guide and sponsor in joining the Church. He was always filled with compassion for others ...
Dear Pedro and Esperanza, Thank you for the great gift of knowing your son Pedro. It seems so long ago that we met in Harrogate and you welcomed me so warmly into your family. Your three boys as devout and ...