Answered Prayers

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Discover the many stories of answered prayers, granted through Pedro’s intercession and requests for prayers.

August 29, 2023

At that very moment my mother shouted: “Found them!”

It was my parents’ silver wedding with the celebration on 2nd August, during WYD 2023. We had had quite a stressful morning, so everyone was quite tense. When everything was finished, we went to lunch at grandma’s where we were staying. Some siblings and myself needed to get back to our WYD groups. But due to logistical problems, there was still quite a hectic atmosphere. I suggested we should relax and go to the beach. Unfortunately, my brother couldn’t find his swimming trunks, having searched for them with my mother’s help for a full 20 minutes. At some point, in an attempt to defuse the tension, I said out aloud to the others: “Well then, let’s pray to Pedro so we can get out of here.” I started reciting the prayer and at that very moment my mother shouted: “Found them!” She had overlooked them fifty times!!! We had quite a laugh, and I said “Let’s finish the prayer nonetheless to thank him.”
We all felt that it was Pedro’s doing and that’s why I’m writing. We’re an immigrant family, living in the Netherlands since 2014. We have heard about Pedro through Opus Dei here.
FG (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
26 August 2023

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