I live in a town in the province of Toledo and I work in Madrid. We have four children.
I learned about Pedro Ballester’s story, and in a difficult moment I went to his help and intercession and he helped me a lot. I also went to him when I had a friend who was sick with COVID in a very serious situation. Thank God he pulled through.
I give Pedro a lot of commissions, and he always helps me. I also ask him for my children to come closer to God and to the sacraments.
Currently I have my father-in-law who has lung cancer. His name is also Pedro. I pray for him every day and ask the intercession of Pedro Ballester.
I dare to write to you, asking you to send me a relic (something he touched or had). I know that I am being very daring, but I believe and hope that Pedro Ballester will achieve his cure. I have no doubt that he is in heaven.
Many thanks
BB (Toledo, Spain)
13 November 2021