Answered Prayers

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June 10, 2024

From Beckenham: To my great joy I found my bag, containing my computer and other valuable items untouched.

On 27 May 2024 I was travelling from my home to Ireland to attend an important meeting. I was waiting at a platform at London’s Farringdon Station (one of the intermediate stations on my journey to the airport) and found that I was missing a bag. I asked Pedro to help me to find it and I went back to the original platform (at which I had arrived at Farringdon). The attendants there were helpful. They rang ahead and one coach of the train was inspected (this was all that was allowed), without finding the bag. They told me then that I would have to wait till the train ended its journey at Bedford, some 50 miles away. I waited and when the train had arrived, they checked and indeed some lost property had been found on the train. I travelled up to Bedford (the attendants gave me a pass so that I could travel North and back and not have to pay). When I got to Bedford Station I found the lost property office and to my great joy I found the bag, with all its contents untouched. It was very important to me, containing my computer and other valuable items.
I am very grateful to God for this favour through Pedro's intercession.
AB (Beckenham, England)
9 June 2024

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