Last year, my relatives overseas had to dispose of some land to meet a financial need that swept over the clan. I thought it would take years as there had been no buyers, only potential ones through brokers, who had close calls on purchase but never closing any deal.
Then I decided to share his prayer card with an elderly relative, telling him a little about Pedro. I suggested we seek Pedro's intercession. Off I went praying on my own.
By the 9th day of my novena to Pedro, I actually got a sign of moving forward, after I received a text from that relative on that very day. Honestly, I said the novena with sufficient serenity that I just threw my wishes to the wind and left it to Pedro to show us where to look (for buyers or other means of financing). I was not expecting a direct answer, much less, so soon, on the 9th day!
I found out afterwards that a local government body was interested in part of the property, to statutorily make of it a public thoroughfare.
Time passed before the sale took form partly due to engineering problems, but even that was sorted. Through a friend, we even obtained an engineering assessment for free. Only in hindsight did I realize that Pedro was an Engineering student! He did site inspections when he was at uni.
Work is being done on the property as I write this, and legal negotiations have been conducted for timely and proper compensation to be made.
Pedro did not stop helping me and my family at that point. Within the year, the first Mass ever (or second) in honour of St Josemaria was held in the province where the property was located. An invitation to the Mass was certainly extended to my relatives there.
One elderly relative managed to attend the Masses (there being more than one, days apart, with the first one held at the cathedral). Even better, he recounted to me the message he captured from the Archbishop's homily on the sanctification of one's professional life.
This extended favour is unsolicited. Maybe I implicitly asked it of Pedro, but I did not spell it out when I prayed the prayer card. Yet it is as certain as the favour he evidently granted me above.
Pedro seemed to want to break ground in spreading the charism that he lived. He had that same zeal while on earth, hadn't he? I thank him because he seemed to go the extra mile, beyond mere material provision.
May Pedro continue to enjoy interceding for us.
GPB (Cavan, Ireland)
Easter Sunday 2024