Answered Prayers

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February 28, 2021

From Dublin to Madrid: A favour reported on a job offer.

I am going to tell you something that you will like.

M’s brother, J, who lives in Dublin with his family, have been longing to return to Spain for years. The more their family grew, the more they wanted to return. Now they are expecting their third child and the job opportunities (in their field) were not at all favourable in Spain, so they resigned themselves and started to think that they would stay in Ireland.

Just a month and a half ago they started to ask Pedrito if he could help them. All of M’s family have been praying for this intention (and others, I won’t deny) since we returned from Manchester, through his prayer card and through the prayer you sent us.

Well … they have just given us the news: his company is offering him a transfer to Spain, to work between Madrid and Bilbao (as his wife is from Madrid and he is from Bilbao, the offer couldn’t be better!!!!!)

Don’t you find it incredible?

NN, Spain

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