Last February I wrote about a favour obtained through Pedro's intercession (a crash on the road from Honduras to Guatemala). I don't remember if I mentioned that, in addition to a seminar I was going to, I was going to attend my annual retreat. I was already in "Pedro mode" from the beginning of the trip. During the retreat we read his biography. At the same time as the retreat, there were important days for making WYD payments. I wanted to do my retreat well, without distractions, so I appointed him as the intercessor of our WYD. And I asked Pedro to help me to resolve the impasses that were occurring: 6 participants who had already paid the booking fee for their tickets had dropped out of the trip: so we needed another 6 to join us, who could make good use of the trip and had the resources to pay for it. Pedro did his best, and although I did suffer a little during the retreat, the six we needed applied and I was able to finish the retreat well.
We decided to entrust to Pedro all the difficulties that arose and he helped us with everything: permissions from the university professors for two assistants who were having difficulties; visas approved for two others who were going to travel; renewal of passports in time before the airline tickets were issued, etc.
On the day of the trip, before we boarded the plane, I was nervous and asked him to please help us make the trip go smoothly.
The adventure began. When we got off at the first stop in Mexico, surprise: one of the girls had forgotten her professional camera on the plane... Pedro started to help us again: we got it back. As we were in Mexico, we wanted to visit Our Lady of Guadalupe and, although time was tight, we made it without any problems.
When we returned to the airport from the Villa de Guadalupe and went through immigration control, one of us left her computer in the tray at the police checkpoint. She realised an hour later, prayed to Pedro, returned to the checkpoint and there she was back, smiling, with the computer.
During the transatlantic flight one started getting sick. We thought it was going to be mild indigestion, but it got worse and two days later, on the day of the Stations of the Cross with the Pope, we had to take her for intravenous fluids. The doctors told us that if she continued to vomit we should take her to hospital. We thought she had improved but the next day, the day of the Vigil, she woke up in a bad way. I took her to the hospital and we stayed there for 3 days. I asked Pedro to intercede with everything and he fulfilled us from the biggest to the smallest detail: the insurance covered the hospital expenses; they ruled out an appendicitis operation; after countless attempts and 3 nurses trying to find the vein for the catheter, seeing the pain of the girl, I asked Pedro to find the vein quickly and at the end of the prayer, they finally did.
She was discharged on 7th August and we asked Pedro again for the girl to be able to travel to Fatima without any problem as she had missed all the meetings with the Pope and she was very excited about going to Fatima. On the 8th she was able to go to Fatima and had a wonderful day. We thought it was all over, but on the 9th it was bad again and, after talking to her mother, we decided that it would be best for her to return to Honduras and not continue with the Marian route we were going to take. There was no way to get a plane ticket. We prayed to Pedro and in the evening the mother notified us that she had obtained a ticket. She would have to travel alone (at 15 years of age she had never done that before, let alone on a transatlantic flight). We entrusted everything to Pedro and she was able to return without any problems, without missing her connections and, most importantly, without any discomfort during the trip.
It was nice to see how, after seeing Pedro's intercession in what we were asking for, the girls went on their own to ask him for things. In the face of any difficulty, on their own initiative, they said "Let's ask Pedro!"
We thank Pedro for ALL the favours, known and unknown, that we obtained during the trip. Without a doubt, he has been a great intercessor on this WYD.
MJV (San Pedro Sula, Honduras)
9 September 2023
PS: The last big favour of the trip was that the airline did not charge the fuel tax for each air ticket. This had made the tickets more expensive and we could not ask for more money from the parents who had paid what we had initially told them (even though we had calculated a margin for contingencies). We were able to travel with some financial leeway, which had been a source of concern for the organisers prior to the trip.