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July 5, 2024

From Virginia, USA : Did Pedro have a way with dogs? A favor through Pedro's intercession...

Hi there,
Our family has a large 2 year old dog who is sometimes a rowdy fellow. My wife has been frustrated with certain things about him and wanted to get rid of him.
I'm often away at work during the day, and didn't want to leave her in a situation with the children and a dog that she didn't like and was uncomfortable with. So I was going to have to get rid of him, to make life better for her. But I turned to Pedro, asking if he could help the dog behave better so my wife wouldn't feel that way about him.
Within days, he calmed down and was behaving better. And my wife has come to appreciate him. Thanks Pedro!
Now I'm asking Pedro for help with a much needed job change.
RA (Virginia, USA)
4 July 2024

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