Grandad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
I am writing this on behalf of my family. Pedro has helped our family.
My grandad has spent most of his life working in Spain to give his children and grandchildren a better life. Then a few years ago, after my grandparents’ retirement, they decided to go back to our native country. On his 70th birthday my grandad was really unwell, he spent his big day in hospital. He had to have an emergency dialysis. Since then, his health went downhill. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. And due to his age, the doctors didn’t want to operate.
We almost sort of lost hope when we were told that he would only have a few more months to a couple more years of life. Then, as soon as the pandemic permitted, my grandparents moved back to Spain in September 2021 hoping for a more positive second opinion.
October 2021: I started asking Pedro for a miracle. I decidedto tell my mum and aunt about Pedro and they also started asking him. Then again, in Spain, we were told that the cancer was way too big and advanced to operate. Our last chance was chemotherapy.
My grandad has had a few endoscopies. The results of the last two were both negative: doctors couldn’t find anything.
We believe that Pedro has helped my family. Now my grandadseems to be happier and healthier, he has gained the weight and energy that he had lost. He assures us that he feels no pain.
Grandad will be 73 this year! All we can do is to keep praying and to give thanks to God, and to thank Pedro for helping us. Pedro did not only help us with the situation of my grandad, but I also believe that there were many other small miracles that happened within my family.
MM (Bilbao, Spain)
5 April 2022
The latest update is the following:
My grandparents were in Spain until the beginning of this month. Theyalways wanted to go back to the Philippines. So as my grandad was well enough, they decided to go back.
A couple of days after arriving, he went for a check up. Analysis was good. On Thursday 16th, we got the news that the tumour that my grandadhas is benign, hasn’t spread, hasn’t changed. But as said before, doctors suggested to leave it alone as he may not be able to go through an operation.
MM (Bilbao, Spain)
18 June 2022