Answered Prayers

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August 2, 2023

Hello, Pedro continues to act

Hello, Pedro continues to act. Although this time he wanted me to be more patient and organised.
I had mislaid my bus pass for a week now...with the aggravating circumstance that, due to my work situation, it's free. I've never lost patience, but in this case I really didn't know where to look. And this morning I was ready to ask for a replacement. But as I was about to leave on a trip and I had some arrangements to make, I postponed asking for it.
When I started to pack my luggage I took up a purse whose pockets I had previously looked at. But now  I noticed that in one pocket there was something stiff. And when I managed to get it out ... it was the free bus pass.
Of course it was Pedro because I had asked him for it each day.
Before I say goodbye and if it is not too much to ask I would like to have a relic prayercard as there are family matters that worry me.
Thank you very much Pedro.
MLC (Seville, Spain)
29 July 2023

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