Answered Prayers

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Discover the many stories of answered prayers, granted through Pedro’s intercession and requests for prayers.

March 13, 2023

I am a second year doctoral student....

I am writing this email to thank my friend Pedro Ballester for helping me pass my comprehensive exam. I am a second year Ph.D student in computational biology. I was programmed to take my first doctoral exam a week before my wedding. Since I had so much going on, I was concerned that I would not perform well on my exam. After watching Pedro’s documentary, I decided to do a novena to Pedro for my exam.
Throughout my oral exam, I had a deep supernatural peace. I knew it was Pedro who was helping me throughout my exam. Due to his intercession, I performed very well and passed my exam.
Thank you to Pedro and his wonderful family for being so outspoken about Pedro’s life. He has and will continue to impact so many, beginning with me.
GG (South Bend, Indiana)
12 March 2023

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