I am an hospitality professional but currently doing some studies. I would like to relate a favour received through the intercession of Pedro.
I came to know him a couple of months ago while searching for something interesting to read or listen to on the website of Opus Dei. After watching the documentary "I have never been happier " I must admit, I was incredibly surprised by how much interior life Pedro seemed to possess! I resolved there and then to start asking him for favours. (To be honest I am not a person who is attracted to too many devotions/saints).
There was a trip that was being organised as part of my class assignment to Penang. The day I did the booking I didn't bother checking the reviews about this particular airline before, as what I wanted was a cheap flight! All seemed well until three days or so later when I received an email notifying me of the rescheduling of the flight to a later hour. It didn't bother me because I knew I had one "free change" to make use of. To my surprise as I attempted changing the booking, things were not working out. I tried contacting customer service but there was no way of getting through. That's when I decided to have a look at the reviews: to my astonishment, with so many negative reviews there seemed no hope of recovery.
I have been asking Pedro of several favours since I got to know him. However, this time I promised to write it down should all go well. The following day, I mentioned to the group leader my predicament, and gave her my details.
To my amazement all went through in less than 5 minutes. I am truly grateful to Pedro!
CNT(Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia)
15 February 2023