Although it may seem a very small thing, Pedro has done me a great favour.
I am an Emeritus Doctor at a hospital, a post I have held for 16 years. During this time I have had an office there to attend to young people and adults cured of childhood cancer and to carry out research work. For me, it has always been very important to work at the hospital in order to continue to develop my work, and also to be able to contact the IT staff online when I have computer problems.
At the end of June the entire floor where my office was located had to be vacated, due to a need to carry out work there, and to relocate the different services to other places. With little space available in the hospital and having to move many specialities, I had great difficulty in finding a new office.
I was surprised when I told three friends about my problem and they told me that they already knew about it and that they were asking Pedro for this favour. I quickly joined them in their prayer, and wrote to Pedro's mother, who is a friend of mine, so that she could also ask for it.
After a frustrated attempt and after several anguished days without a reply, they finally gave me a small space where I could fit a table, a computer, an armchair and two chairs, which I have tried to make as cosy as possible. I ask Pedro that from this new office I may, like Jesus, "go about doing good". I also ask him for other things I need. As I said at the beginning, it has been very important for me.
Thank you Pedro. Keep helping me... andhelping us... We want to see you soon on the altars.
SS (Seville, Spain)
1 July 2022