Answered Prayers

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February 21, 2023

In Guatemala, I kept praying to Pedro, getting a bit mad at him!!!

Last week I had to drive from my home city (San Pedro Sula, Honduras) to Guatemala. I was a bit nervous as it was the first time I was doing it. I told young Pedro he was to be in charge during the trip. It went well (no traffic at the border) but when we reached a town in Guatemala called Gualán, we were hit by a car. Thankfully it was a small accident, but I complained to Pedro “Pedro, ¿qué pasó? [what happened?]” and started negotiating with the other driver. It had been his fault so we expected him to pay us. At first he didn’t want to and started making excuses. I kept praying, a bit mad at Pedro, and after 1 hr and 45 minutes we finally came to an agreement.
I know Pedro had a lot to do with it: first, the accident could have been worse but somehow I managed to react in time; second, of all the places the accident could have taken place, it occurred in a town where we could ask for help from a friend’s acquaintance, and last, the driver paid us what was fair. We were able to continue to our destination with no further incident.
MJV (San Pedro Sula, Honduras)
20 February 2023

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