Answered Prayers

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December 2, 2020

Returning to the faith just before dying

Two Fridays ago, a supernumerary [member of Opus Dei] here in Vancouver, XX, called me to say that his brother was very sick and basically dying in the hospital of liver failure. He was very close to this particular brother of his in age and affection too; and he was calling to ask for prayers so that his brother, who for many many decades had drifted from the Faith, agree to see a priest and receive the Last Rites.
He was asked on the following day, Saturday about it and whether he’d want to see a priest and he promptly responded ‘NO! I’m too tired for that’. In the meantime, I had asked and was asking Pedro to look after this bloke, basically to do what needs to be done so that we can all be at peace. On Monday – the feast of the Annunciation, no less – XX calls in a frenzy saying he was in shock because his brother had agreed to see a priest! And so, for the first time in ages his brother saw a priest and received the Sacraments. Less than 48 hrs later he died in the hospital. Pedro ALWAYS come through. It’s unreal.

Vancouver, Canada
2 April 2019

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