I am retired but I work at home in computational drug design. I use a high powered hard-to-find computer, recently bought in England with additional data-storage which means a complex jungle of wires and connections. The computer works night and day screening for a better anti-Coronavirus compound searching among millions of virtual possibilities.
Returning home, I found out the electrical power had gone. All my on-going computational work-data had also gone. My fears increased even more after switching the electric power back on. The computer rebooted...but the electric power suddenly went down again.
It happened that I had recently obtained the prayercard of a smiling Pedro Ballester which was looking at me in front of the computer where I temporarily left it. Without any words I said to him: Look if the computer is broken, the whole work will be delayed or even have to be abandoned because of financial difficulties with a replacement.
Then, I turned on only the power and waited a few minutes looking at Pedro's prayercard. Finally, I pushed the computer start button and.....it worked! This time it did not fail again and has been operating for more than a week.
I read Pedro's prayercard for acknowledgements as we do in scientific work. I decided his prayercard requires a place on the main screen .....
JC (Madrid, Spain)
28 April 2023